Tagged: Trivalent chromium plating
1 year has been past, since commencement of mass production at Siam Kakihara Co., Ltd from SEP 2014. At present, we are receiving some business inquiries mainly <<Platinum satin® plating>>,<<Trivalent chrome plating(black, white)>>. Also,...
Preparation for mass production of jet black trivalent chrome plating<<Super dark>> has been completed. Production for automotive exterior parts and interior parts also feasible.
An article about jet black trivalent chromium plating<<Super dark>> was published on the news paper NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN dated on March 24 in 2015. <<Super dark>> is sporty with jet black color which provides...
New dark trivalent chromium<<dark titanium>> with a sharp bluish tint, but no yellow tint in comparison with usual dark trivalent chromium was developed. It provides same function of usual dark trivalent chromium plating.
To aim the commencement of mass production in summer 2014, our first subsidiary was established in Thailand as known as rapid growth of production for automotive industry. Company name Siam Kakihara Co.,Ltd. Foundatio 17...
An article about white trivalent chromium plating was published on the news paper NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN dated on December 24 in 2010. White trivalent chromium plating has excellent corrosion resistance and effective for automotive...
An article about free etching process for trivalent chromium which upholding our environment development theme was published on the news paper NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN dated on May 28 in 2010. At our plant, we...